HOY ÑOQUIS at æKjøkken

From November 29th, 2019, to May 29th*, 2020, “HOY ÑOQUIS” was arranged in relation to æKjøkken.

The first one took place with the kitchen under construction and was by invitation only. 15 guests arrived directly from Spain, all architects working at diverse stages of the Munch Museum at estudio Herreros, many of them meeting for the first time there.

On March 29th, there was an online gathering with participants from Italy, Spain, Uruguay, Argentina, and Norway, all making gnocchi together. Exploring social distance, on April 29th, “HOY ÑOQUIS” was arranged with closed doors, serving as a food service for the workers at the construction site where the kitchen was located, as it was not possible to gather in any other way. Thus, workers ate separately in several barracks, making it a strange experience.

*Due to COVID-19, we anticipated the closure of æHouse and celebrated it with a special edition of “Hoy Ñoquis” at Sofienbergparken, right outside æKjøkken.

Gnocchi were served as “take away,” and GRATIS as usual.

SUPPORT (2020.04)

Cultura Gavefond


Isachsen Anlegg
Gonzalo Rivas (estudioHerreros)